Healthy Havar

Healthy Havar Wellness Plan for 2017

For the 12-month period starting December 1, 2016, we want to up the ante on healthy habits.  Every Havar employee (whether on the health insurance plan or not) is invited to accomplish as many of the following goals as you can or want to.  These milestones are based on participation, not outcomes, but we will require proof!  In early December, 2017 – just in time for the holidays – you will receive a check for $15 for each of the milestones you meet.  The milestones and options for “proof” are as follows:

Milestone Measurement Frequency
Complete an on-line risk assessment Go to and take the assessment.  Medical Mutual can provide us a listing of participants but will not share results. Annual
Attend a health fair and get biometric screenings (ex. Blood pressure, weigh in, BMI. Cholesterol, etc.) Copy of sign in sheet Annual
Complete an annual physical exam or women’s wellness check Certification from doctor Annual
Complete a dental exam Delta will provide a listing if you are on the plan, otherwise a certification from dentist At least annual
Get a flu shot Get receipt from the provider (ex. Kroger, CVS) Annual
Complete a vision exam Certification from an optometrist or ophthalmologist. Annual
Complete Medical Mutual of Ohio’s active disease management program (ex.chronic pain, heart, pulmonary/asthma, diabetes) See your county receptionist for an explanatory brochure. Annual
Complete the MMO Quit Line Go to Completion cert. Once
Maintain tobacco abstinence Self-report during open enrollment period Annual
Complete Weight Watchers 10, 12, or 17 week series Certificate of Completion Annual
Participate in a fitness program or group physical activity Certification or group sign-in.  Submit group activity plan for pre-approval. Min. 6 wks, 3X/wk, 20 minutes
Participate in a Havar challenge, Healthy Havar wellness series, or community event. Sign-in sheets.  Submit community event plan for pre-approval. Min. 6 wks.
Participate in a Matrix webinar (there are 63 webinars available) Check at Select Employee Resources, Company =  County Boards, Additional Resources, Work and Family Resources, (you will need to log in..I made up a login and password and it worked!), webinar resources. Matrix Certificate of Completion (max of 2 webinars eligible for reimbursement) 2 in 12 months
Complete your work shift as assigned every day.  No sick time used for illness. Personnel record 3 of 4 quarters

Maximum reimbursement if you are not a MMOH member – $150.  Maximum reimbursement if you are a MMOH member – $225.