Strategic Plan Work Sheet – Board Development & Infrastructure

Goal #1:

Increase the visibility of the organization

  1. Identify three opportunities for public presentations.
  2. Use the PR potential of awards and activities.
  3. Update brochures for a) Havar; and b) day habs.

Goal #2:

Increase board buy-in

  1. Provide the board with more information about the services we provide.
  2. Assure that the board completes and analyzes its annual self-evaluation, and creates an action plan.
  3. Provide more advance notice to board members of Havar events.
  4. Make at least one significant opportunity each year to build board/staff relationships.
  5. Update a formal board training module.
  6. Continue the collection of “institutional memory”

Goal #3: 

Address capital development needs

  1. Keep up with maintenance needs for owned homes on a scheduled basis
  2. Replace tech equipment on a scheduled basis.

Goal #4: 

Address technology needs.

  1. Complete assessment survey by April, 2015
  2. Develop and IT strategic plan